Thursday, 7 August 2014

Year 2 celebrates their completed Battle of the Artz entries with a movie night.
Now the hard work is done after post production. Over 80 people packed the year 2 classroom to celebrate all student’s efforts in completing their eight films. Completing a major goal is a win for our class and the school. Support from colleagues Bev, Julie and Elizabeth ensured smooth running on the night as well. Overwhelming support from the class parent community summed up by one parent Amanda: “ The effort, creativity, learning and enjoyment in the making of the films, was evident in each and every movie presented.The film project was a great way to engage the children’s interest in Australian history, Chinese culture, art, music, performance and ICT, as well as develop their communication and problem solving skills in what was an extraordinary collaborative effort”
Class parent Jane:. Thank you to everyone.  I had a great time watching the movies and was very impressed by the hours of work that went into each film.  We enjoyed it so much, we have watched all the films again at home on the DVD provided by Mr Butt.  Well done!

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