Friday, 22 August 2014

Authentic Learning in action - Year 2 takes on the challenge to design and innovate sustainable environmental change - World Cafe workshops

Thanks to a grant from North Sydney Council, Year 2 continue their real life challenge - to make a difference to their local environment. In this classroom based workshop led by Greg and Yolande from the council, Students came up with some fantastic ideas to innovate change. Next teams will be created and design projects developed.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Authentic Learning in action - Year 2 takes on the challenge to design and innovate sustainable environmental change - Field Trip 2 - The Coal Loader, Waverton

Thanks to a grant from North Sydney Council, Year 2 continue their real life challenge - to make a difference to their local environment. In this second field trip, this time to the Coal Loader, students learnt about how the environment looked before white settlement in an excellent presentation by Karen from the Aboriginal Heritage Office. Karen then explained in detail the rock carving at the site. Students received a valuable and entertaining hands on science lesson about pollution from Sue called the “Story of a River”. She then took us on a walk to see the Mangroves in the area, and a walk through the Coal Loader. Parent helpers enjoyed the experience as well.

Authentic Learning in action - Year 2 takes on the challenge to design and innovate sustainable environmental change - Field Trip 1 - Smoothey Park, Wollstencraft (Water Catchments)

Thanks to a grant from North Sydney Council, Year 2 have begun a real life challenge - to make a difference to their local environment. In this first field trip to Smoothey Park, students receive a facilitated tour from the council’s environmental experts, Yolande and Rahmin. They walked along Berry Creek and talked about how it has changed over the years, from pre settlement to now. The impact of built environments and pollution was seen first hand. The great work of the council is seen through their transformation of this beautiful area. Who could have predicted an “on the spot” lesson from an environmental team half way down the creek as well. The whole tour was captured on video and QR codes were used later in class to revisit the excursion. The integrated unit was redesigned using the “Understanding By Design” framework which allowed me the flexibility to create the unit “Catching Water”. Immersing students in the environment was a valuable first step. Parent helpers were invaluable as usual on the trip and enjoyed the opportunity to explore their local neighbourhood as well.

Students creativity highlighted at Parish Mass
Celebrating Parish Mass with my students is always a delight when you have such keen prayerful singers and a talented string section from our classes (5 of them from my class!) Colleagues sharing and collaborating together is also a wonderful opportunity. The support of community and parents was amazing! 

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Year 2 celebrates their completed Battle of the Artz entries with a movie night.
Now the hard work is done after post production. Over 80 people packed the year 2 classroom to celebrate all student’s efforts in completing their eight films. Completing a major goal is a win for our class and the school. Support from colleagues Bev, Julie and Elizabeth ensured smooth running on the night as well. Overwhelming support from the class parent community summed up by one parent Amanda: “ The effort, creativity, learning and enjoyment in the making of the films, was evident in each and every movie presented.The film project was a great way to engage the children’s interest in Australian history, Chinese culture, art, music, performance and ICT, as well as develop their communication and problem solving skills in what was an extraordinary collaborative effort”
Class parent Jane:. Thank you to everyone.  I had a great time watching the movies and was very impressed by the hours of work that went into each film.  We enjoyed it so much, we have watched all the films again at home on the DVD provided by Mr Butt.  Well done!