Saturday, 19 July 2014

Students learn real life media skills in their Battle of the Artz movies

Students incorporated real life interviews in their Battle of the Artz Entries for the “Race that Stops the Nation” and “Anzac Day Across the Nation”. They applied this learning when shooting their documentaries and stories. One student filmed their interview while on holiday in Hobart during Anzac Day. 

Freedom to design, dream and draw in year 2 Battle of the Artz entry “Explosion”

Students took their filmmaking to a new level by drawing green screen backgrounds for their scenes in their film “Explosion” based on Guy Fawkes’ failed gunpowder plot.

Parent helpers contributed with costuming and assisting in bulding some props as well. Students contributed clips taken from their devices outside of school to add to the finished movie as well.

Saturday, 5 July 2014


Authentic learning engages both students and parent communities

I felt honoured to be nominated by my class parent community. Early on I cast a vision to them on how a contemporary classroom could be, incorporating learning tasks that were meaningful and woven into real life. I was truly overwhelmed by their moral and practical support at all times. The partnership between parents and teachers is a wonderful resource to nourish.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Year 2 team interview Sydney Jockey as a key research tool in crafting their Battle of the Artz movie

A team of Year 2 students found information gained from an interview with Sydney Jockey Robyn Freeman-Keys very useful. Interviews provide current information and human perspectives on topics. The recorded interview using “screen record” enabled the team to view it later, assisting planning for both their story and scene design. As part of the cultural celebration unit, the student team had choice in their team members, study topic and film genre.

Year 2 team interview a national historian as a key research tool in crafting their Battle of the Artz documentary

A team of Year 2 students found information gained from an interview with Australian War Memorial historian Meleah Hampton very useful. Interviews provide current information and human perspectives on topics. The recorded interview using “screen record” enabled the team to view it later, assisting planning for both their story and scene design. As part of the cultural celebration unit, the student team had choice in their team members, study topic and film genre.