Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Students interviewing community and business leaders adds real world authenticity to learning

As Leading Teacher, Technology one of my key result areas was the planning and implementation of units of work in collaboration with K-6 class teachers and support staff, in Challenge Based Learning (Inquiry Learning).
Some of the units of work we adapted were Multiculturalism (Y6), National Parks (Y3), Trading (Y4), Push and Pull – Science (Y2) and Change Detectives - Science (Y5). I am writing a report paper (still in progress) that is tracking the process over a 2 year period. The students interviewed State and Federal members of Parliament and local and state business leaders via skype, phone, video conference and in person. The students used these interviews in their research to provide real solutions to local and global issues. They broadcast these movies from the school website

Digital Internet TV Station HFSTV.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Celebrating Enquiry Learning as school launches a TV Station

A whole school event was held to launch our school TV Station.
The school hall was decked out
with a red carpet and a 5
metre wide back projection Screen. Special Guests from the local community and school system attended as well as our 320
TV Stars! We even invited our special mascot “Star Man”.

The launch included a video link up with Education Minister Peter Garrett MP.

Technology teacher Tim Butt said since 2010 students at the school had been building their skills through drama and music programs, the Habits of the Mind program initiative and other new collaborative learning processes.

“These three areas, and many other great opportunities have enabled us to build oral language skills, creative thinking and problem solving strategies,” he said.
“Over the past two years each learning space at Holy Family has been equipped with contemporary technology tools.”
Mr Butt said the teaching and supprt staff at Holy Family were proud of their students, who were asking deep thinking questions and finding real solutions, to help make a difference in the world.